Power resources to put you a jump ahead
This page offers a variety of resources that will give you a major push toward better fitness. Why am I giving away so much? Well, maybe it’s programmed into me: even my name, Kareem, translates as 'generous.’ Or maybe it’s just that I want to reward you for taking a major step in the right direction. Either way, if it helps you achieve your goals, you’re welcome. Enjoy!
Welcome Package
You're Going To Feel Lean In Just 5 Days!
The simplest way to get a flat stomach is by accelerating fat loss. I'll teach you exactly what to eat, which exercises to do, and how to achieve 'the best possible' mindset for fat loss.
5 Day Fat Loss Accelerator FREE

No cost and no obligation beyond completing a short request form
It's not about good genes and bad genes; it's about maximizing your fat loss potential and learning exactly how to tap into hidden fat loss pathways you probably don't even know EXIST!

Fat Loss Customization – The Solution
hey everybody,
I'm back with another video above, and I'm going to teach you how to blow up your fat loss results and truly take charge, once and for all. This material has never been taught online before, to the best of my knowledge, but it makes all the difference.
If you like this, please click the Facebook 'Like' button below.
When you finish clicking the 'like' button, be sure to leave a comment or question... if enough people do, I'll be back tomorrow with an offer that will totally blow you away (hint: FREE customization by yours truly, for just one lucky person...) – but only if enough people get involved.
This rocks... mostly because of you.
Leave your comments and questions below – we've started a great conversation and it's about to get even better.
PS – Trust me, you want to leave a comment below – that's how you'll qualify. Anyone who doesn't comment here will simply not qualify for the biggest gift I've ever given anyone on our blog.
Television Spots
The people at both NBC and CBS have been kind enough to invite me in for a number of guest spots on their shows. In the video on the left, I’m with one of my clients, Adina. Look at those awesome arms! And on the right there, that’s my wife and fellow fitness pro, Karen.
Blog / YouTube
As you’ve probably guessed, video is my favorite medium for communication. I also use video for my blog posts to make them as compact and information- dense as possible. Don’t forget to check out my YouTube channel for hundreds more exercise and other... videos!