Real people achieve unreal results with Dr. K
Over the years, I've worked with thousands of clients, from people with serious disabilities to elite athletes. Some of them have visited my fitness center; others have signed up for programs online. Probably the only thing they all have in common is their amazing results. Many of these stories are truly inspirational and I'd like to share a few with you here.
Marty Millner - Age 60
"I'm In The Best Shape Of My Life"
I care about you, and I want you to hit your goals.
You mean a lot to me.
Recently, I hosted a private 4 day workshop ($7,500/attendee) called: 4 Days With Dr. K – the goal was to get people out of pain and on a direct path to hit their fitness goals, all within 4 days. It was amazing!
....and I'm so honored to have had this impact on my clients' lives. Just take a look at what Susan and Alana had to say:

Dr. K, this program is phenomenal!
This program is all the things a good workout should be - challenging, effective AND interesting. There are far too many fitness programs out there that make you want to die of boredom just to watch them, must less perform them! The Ab Strength Guide is truly a stand out.
As an outdoor fitness coach, I am a big proponent of short, intense workouts that blast fat and get you in and out of your workout in no time flat. And far, far too many people are still spending hours in the gym, doing hundreds and hundreds of sit-ups and crunches...and they aren’t getting the results they are after.
If you want to learn the secrets to getting that body you have always wanted, to getting a super-strong core and blasting that belly fat for good, you absolutely have to check out this program.
Without a doubt, Dr. K has put together the most effective, the most efficient and the most fun ab program on the market. You may think it is impossible to get much done in just 10 minutes a day, but Dr. K’s program is that good. The workouts are short but they are intense and he shows you how to modify each one for your fitness level so you get the best possible workout for you.
The exercises Dr. K is going to show you are challenging AND interesting, a one-two punch that will keep you motivated and coming back for more. And he not only gives you the "what" of the exercises, he gives you the "why" and the "how" the you knowledge to understand how to get the most out of your workouts. Dr. K also makes sure you have all instructions and knowledge you need to perform these workouts safely to prevent injury.
He covers every possible angle of core training and shows you how to use speed training, bodyweight, instability and more to light a fire in your metabolism and incinerate that stubborn belly fat! He even shows you how to do it all with just a few inexpensive fitness tools, so you don’t need an expensive gym membership. You can literally take your workout anywhere you want - it can be as portable as it is effective!
And Dr. K is literally giving this product to you risk -free. He guarantees that if you don’t like it, you don’t pay for it. But as a fellow trainer, I can personally guarantee that if you give this workout a try, and do it for anywhere close to the 30 day period of his guarantee, your body will have transformed to the point where you would gladly pay 10 TIMES AS MUCH as Dr. K is charging for the program! It is THAT good!
I can also guarantee that I will be using these same super-effective workouts with my clients...and myself!
Thanks for the killer stuff, Dr. K!
Get Out There!
Caroline Fitzgerald
"His enthusiasm is second to none, his energy level is through the roof and his knowledge is amazing."
I have been working out with Kareem for four months and I can honestly say that I am in the best and most fit shape of my life. I first met Kareem at the end of 2007 to discuss my goal of running a marathon. My first concerns were some nagging injuries that always seem to flair up about 30 days into a self directed exercise program, and I didn’t want to shorten my athletic ability later in life by attempting a marathon without proper guidance.
For my entire life I have been what most would consider very active. I started playing organized sports at a very early age - soccer, tennis, swimming, baseball, etc...You name it and I’ve played it at some point. Through high school I was a varsity player on multiple sports and then in college I began seeking more of the extreme sports. I raced mountain bikes in Colorado, rocked climbed all over the western US, surfed up and down both coasts, continued to play golf and tennis and picked up running as a quick way to burn off stress and maintain a fitness level for the next sport.
Over the last few years my story is very typical, married with young kids. One goal that I made a point to reach was not putting on any weight as my wife went through multiple pregnancies and the newborn kids began running the house. For the last 4 years I have been able to maintain a very healthy weight and exercise program. Both to keep in shape for any weekend activity I may be able to squeeze in and as a way to burn the stress of a working and raising kids. However, I would eventually get sidelined with some previous injury - shoulder, knee or IT band tightness and have to take some time off to rest and recover.
Then I met Kareem through a good friend one evening in late December. We talked at length about goals and overall lifestyle. I had an open mind and liked what he said about his background and his ability to not only design training programs for specific events but also having the training and knowledge to assist with injury prevention and recovery. I also said that I will pick up the theory and reasons behind doing specific sets and routines later but all I really wanted was to come in each time and get my butt kicked into shape and prepare my body to run 26.2 miles.
Fast forward four months and I have to say that each and every workout has been better than the one before. I am able to do multiple sets of specific exercises, where when we started, I could barely make it through one round. His ability to design exciting and dynamic routines is a major plus and is one of my most favorite aspects of working with Kareem. We’ve all headed into the gym sort of dreading the workout but I have to admit that I actually enjoy walking into the gym because I know that the pending workout is going to be like nothing else we’ve done and what I’ll get out of it is always for the positive and with the goal of increasing my fitness and getting me across the finish line in one piece.
We’ve mended the previous nagging injuries and even those that were below the surface. The part that gives me the most comfort is the ability for him to prepare a routine for the day and to be able to watch specific movements to verify that any chance for injury is removed or controlled as much as possible. It’s pretty unique to be able to exercise and then get some therapy from the same person. If I am sore or have a tight area we can get in some PT prior to the workout and then Kareem is completely aware of my body and the area that we need to protect and heal.
We’ve got one month to go until the Marathon and I am very excited about my current level of fitness and knowledge of my body.
I have no second thoughts about recommending Dr. K to anyone. His enthusiasm is second to none, his energy level is through the roof and his knowledge is amazing. What I also find more impressive is his thirst for increased knowledge and understanding.
Justin Petersmeyer
Stronger, Better Knowledge of Body, All Around Better:
"I started with Kareem in March of last year (2005) and have not stopped training with him, because he is excellent, not only in his knowledge, but also in the interest he shows in his client to whom he adapts each and every exercise! He even makes new ones up, when others don’t work, be it due to too much flexibility or an injured shoulder. Since then not only have I lost weight, but I am stronger, have a better position and knowledge of my body and feel all around better about myself. Thanks!!!!! I am moving out of the country by the end of July and have every intention of training with Kareem via his long distance coaching."
Juliane Maurach
"The Magic Touch":
"Kareem has the magic touch. His attention to detail and fun spirit really helped turn my workout regimen around. I’ve seen great results in my strength and flexibility while nurturing a shoulder injury."
Lee Bockus
Decade of Chronic Back Pain Almost Gone
"Since I have been training with you, the following things are true. I entered training with the very specific goal of eliminating chronic back pain. The chronic muscular back pain from which I have suffered for a decade is now almost entirely gone. It’s not a miracle - it’s been hard work and worth every step. The best part about working with you is your willingness to listen and patiently provide knowledge, advice and encouragement to meet my goals. In the past, with coaches and trainers, it’s been their way or nothing. With you, it’s been the best way and the results show it. You have my unqualified endorsement."
Kevin Vericker
"Prior to training, brushing my teeth upon waking was an ordeal.":
"On November 30, 2005, I had to undergo a lumbar discectomy, due to a herniated disc. During the summer of 2005, I began having pain that radiated from my buttocks down my right leg. Treatment and medications did not alleviate my symptoms. The pain impeded me greatly. I was unable to exercise for a long time. Since treatment and medication did not alleviate my symptoms, I was forced to go through with the surgery. Following my surgery, the pain was gone, however, my lower back and hamstrings were VERY tight, rigid and sore. Additionally, I lost ALL of my strength. I felt extremely weak. I began a course of physical therapy which helped me somewhat with the tight/rigid feeling. However, it was not until I started training with Kareem Samhouri that I noticed a dramatic change. As the training progressed, so did my flexibility and strength. The more I trained, the more flexibility and strength I gained. Prior to the training, brushing my teeth upon waking was an ordeal. I could barely lean forward. Once I started training, slowly, but surely, everything changed. I got a great percentage of my flexibility back and my strength. I also learned that tasks I thought would be impossible after my surgery, were not impossible. Kareem taught me how to use my core and buttocks to allow me to lift/carry things, perform different tasks and to maintain me injury free. Oh, and as an added bonus, my body changed. I started to look much more fit and trim. I am very thankful for this experience and strongly recommend it to anyone looking to physically rehabilitate or just plain get in shape. Thanks Kareem!!!!! "
Maria Navarro